Monday 28 March 2011

# 18: Mexican Fish Curry

Hmmm... Mexican Fish Curry!!! What is it that would strike your mind? A dish with probably lot of spices.. spicy! a bit complicated.. a zillion thoughts ain't it?

Well, i have developed a fetish for cooking apart from just eating.. ;) And considering this, i mostly end up browsing TV channels a lot more than i used to. Let me tell you..i am equally an idiot box fan! 

While i was doing my regular browsing, I happened to find the channel and show that just glues me to it.. "afc"- Asian food channel. & the show " Forever summer with Nigella"

Nigella is a wonderful chef! I have been following her culinary shows even on travel & living..& i remember the show as "Chew"

Last week, Nigella had some of the easiest & loveliest recipes to show case.. one of them being " The Mexican Fish Curry"...and i tried it out..and trust was simply WOW!  and i would love to share the same with you.

Thanks Nigella! :)

  1. Oil - 1 Tbsp
  2. Onions - 2 medium sized
  3. Salt - 1.5 tsp
  4. Turmeric - 1 tsp
  5. Cumin - 1 tsp
  6. Red chili  - 2 ( cut in circular rings)... although i have used green chilies.. :)
  7. Ginger  - chopped
  8. Coconut milk - 2 cups
  9. Tamarind water/ paste - 1 cup
  10. Water - 250 ml
  11. Fish

  1. Marinate the fish using 1 tsp turmeric & salt.
  2. Now, prepare the sauce. Which includes, coconut milk, tamarind water/paste, & 250 ml water. If you have concentrated fish stock. Do add it in.
Take a pan, add the onions into the hot pan of oil. Let it turn golden brown. Now add the ginger, salt, turmeric, cumin, red/green chili. Mix well. Add the sauce, and leave it to cook on low flame. (I love cooking fish in the earthen pot.. )
Once the curry boils, add the fish.

5 Mins & the Mexican Fish Curry is ready to be served with a bowl of steamed rice...

Bon Appetite!

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    the curry was yummy!! I knew it papu pass ho gaya !!!1
